The fast, intuitive and personal calendar. Have it your way.

Timberwolf, Outrageous Orange, Electric Lime, Shocking Pink and more than 100 more colors to choose from.
Seamless scrolling
Scroll seamlessly through your events on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.
Great font support
Whether you like the built-in fonts or custom fonts, Calendar+ has you covered.
For work and play
No need to worry about missing out on leisure-time. With Calendar+, it's built-in.
Wide support for languages and regional settings from around the globe.
The Big Day+
Track your favorite events - in style.
Beautiful backgrounds
Look forward to coming events or remember past events by using backgrounds that evoke emotion.
Drag and drop
Place the counter where you want it.
Sharing is caring - send your big days to friends and family.
Support for all of your devices - iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch.

Lookup Emoji names and meanings quickly and easily.

Complete list of all Emoji names and meanings.
Search terms
Type a word such as "cat" or "wink" to display all Emojis with the search term in its name, grouped by category.
Support for landscape, zoom in to show large emojis.